

Terrain Geometry Maker



IMG_C_ICON_DOT.gifThe Terrain Geometry Maker (TGM) function can be used to model a terrain geometry using a CAD DXF file. When using GTS NX, first use the CAD DXF file to set the bounds of the analysis area and save it as a file (*.tms format) that can be used in the GTS NX. Import this file to GTS NX to create the terrain geometry.



3D bedding plane using boring data & Terrain Geometry Maker.

Step 1. Tools > Terrain Geometry Maker > Terrain Geometry Maker

Use the CAD DXF file to set the bounds of the analysis area and save it as a file (*.tms format) that can be used in GTS NX. Activating this function creates a new window called MIDAS/TGM.




Step 2 : File > Import DXF

Import the AutoCAD DXF file.



<Import AutoCAD DXF file>


[Visible layers]

The layers that are needed for the terrain geometry out of all the layers in the AutoCAD DXF files. The unused layers are selected and moved to the invisible layer.

[Invisible layers]

The layers in the AutoCAD DXF file that are not used for the terrain geometry.


Step 3 : Set analysis boundary

Move the mouse to the area to be modeled and click the Terrain geometry information icon (image173.gif) on the right toolbox to set the analysis boundary.


Step 4 : Set section zone


<Terrain geometry information>


[Base Contours]

Select the minimum zone that contains the analysis boundary by dragging on the XY plane.  

[Geometry Zone (Rectangle)]

Specify the rectangular analysis boundary that is within the base contour zone. Corner 1 and Corner 2 are the diagonal corners that specify the rectangular boundary. Lx, Ly specify the X axis and Y axis lengths of the specified boundary. Click the Display area to view the specified boundary on the plane.

[Number of Sampling Points]

Specify the number of sampling points in the selected region with respect to the X direction and Y direction.



<Example of Terrain geometry information zone>


Step 5 : Check geometry face

Check the geometry face on the View model window.



<Example of Terrain geometry information zone>


Step 6 : File > Export surface

Save the generated terrain face as a *.tms file that can be used in the GTS NX.


Step 7 : Main menu : Tools > Terrain Geometry Maker > Import TMS file

Import a generated *.tms file using the MIDAS/TGM function.